Managed Service Users: Useful Server Information for Support

 Product(s):Exor Network Manager

When reporting errors with Exor products hosted on Managed Service systems it helps to provide the names of the module, application server and database server being used, especially if the error is an Oracle (ORA-xxxxx) type error.  This article explains how to obtain this information.

This article applies to Managed Service users only - the information described below depends on product options and server configuration so may not be available on non-Managed Service systems.


Some terminology used in this article:

The 'browser window' refers to the internet browser window used to launch Exor.  It usually has a title 'Closing this window will exit "Highways by Exor"' and often appears only to contain a dark grey blank square with white borders.

The 'database server' is the server where the data is stored.

The 'application server' is the server where the forms and reports (through which you view the data) are stored.

Steps to Accomplish

Option 1 The Database Name & Database Server Name

  1. Managed Service systems are configured to show this in the window titles in Highways by Exor. As in the screenshot below, the window title shows
    • the module name & number (outlined in yellow)
    • the current username (outlined in green)
    • the database name and database server name separated by a full stop (outlined in red)

Option 2 The Application Server URL and Name

  1. Alt-tab to the browser window used to launch Exor.
  2. Make a note of the URL in the address box of the browser window to send to Support
  3. Right-click in the white part of the window (it won't do anything in the grey part)
  4. Choose 'View Source'
  5. The source information will pop up at the bottom of the browser window.  On Managed Service Systems the server name is given as below (hidden by green stars on this screenshot)