Clash Analysis Date Queries

Product(s):Exor Network Event Manager
Area:Clash Analysis

Problem Description

Sometimes when the Clash Analysis is run at event level, the results may include clashing events that you think should not be there because the date is outside the proposed start & end dates of the driving event.

Steps to Resolve

  1. Use the Actions tab to check whether clash analysis has been run more than once.  Depending which report you use, the clash report may be including the results from more than one clash analysis.  Use the SSRS Report Viewer / Highways England Global Reports / Clash Reports to see the latest clash analysis run on the latest version of the event.
  2. Check the slippage in the Attributes tab.  The clash analysis includes the slippage in its calculations.
  3. Was the actual start date populated when the clash analysis was run?  If so the clash analysis uses actual start date + planned duration rather than using the proposed end date.
  4. It could also be the case that the proposed start or end date was altered after the clash analysis was run.  You can use the clash reports from within NEM to check what the event dates were at the point the clash analysis was run.