How to remove a saved password from browser

 Product(s):Exor Network Event Manager

How to remove a saved password from your browser.  Saved passwords can cause problems when logging into NEM or Document Manager, or when changing passwords.  Internet Explorer should always be used for Document Manager and Change Password.

Steps to Accomplish

Internet Explorer

If you have saved a password in Internet Explorer please follow steps below: :

  1. Open the Tools menu.

  2. Select Internet Options.

  3. Click Content.

  4. Under AutoComplete, click Settings.

  5. Click Manage Passwords…

  6. Select Bentley URL and remove password.


Microsoft Edge

  1. In Microsoft Edge click on the More Actions button.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Click on the Advanced Settings button.
  4. Scroll down to Manage My Saved Passwords and select it.
  5. Click on the 'x' icon to delete that password.

Google Chrome

  1. In Google Chrome enter the URL chrome://settings
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and click Advanced.
  3. Scroll down to passwords and Forms and click Manage Passwords
  4. The passwords will appear in the Saved Passwords section. 
  5. Hover over the one you want to remove and click the 'x' that appears.


 Original Author:NT