REP-300 error

Product(s):Bentley IKPMS


When running a Performance Indicator Report BVPI224b on Automatic Pass I get the following Oracle Error Report: REP-300: MSG-00002: WARNING: Sections found with no surveys, minimal xsp method will be assumed in survey length calculations. See report UKP0024 (Run Pass Section Details) for details.  When I run the UKP0024 for details I get the following Oracle error message: REP-300: divisor is equal to zero.


Run the script below to find if there is any section which belong to a particular Automatic Pass and miss attributes. If such sections exist (the sections listed by the script) then exclude them from Network selection list in Exor and run the report again.

SELECT rse.rse_unique "section",    rse.rse_start_date "start date",   rse.rse_end_date "end date",    vrse.road_type "road type",
       vrse.road_hier "road hierarchy",  rse.rse_number_of_lanes "rse lanes", vrse.no_of_lanes "view lanes", urt.urt_no_of_lanes "road type lanes"
FROM ukpms_road_type urt, road_segs rse, v_ukpms_road_section vrse
WHERE     urt.urt_road_type(+) = vrse.road_type
       AND vrse.iit_rse_he_id = rse.rse_he_id
       AND rse.rse_he_id IN (SELECT uprtd_rse_he_id   FROM ukpms_pass_road_run_time_dets
                             WHERE uprtd_pass_id = 'AUTO PASS ID'                                          ----- -Auto Pass ID change it
       AND (   (   (   rse.rse_number_of_lanes IS NULL  OR rse.rse_number_of_lanes = 0)
               AND (vrse.no_of_lanes IS NULL OR vrse.no_of_lanes = 0)
               AND (urt.urt_no_of_lanes IS NULL OR urt.urt_no_of_lanes = 0))
           OR vrse.road_type IS NULL
           OR vrse.road_hier IS NULL)
order by   rse.rse_number_of_lanes;