Complete defect manually when interfaces on

 Product(s):Exor Maintenance Manager
 Environment:Windows 10


Need to complete some defects on exor manually when interfaces on but field does not have appropriate status to do.Not showing COMPLETED


The defect is on a works order and interfaces are on. They are on to send defects to a contractor automatically via auto creation of a works order on defect creation. The contractor sends back WC files to complete the defect repair. 

When querying back the defect you can see what work order number it is on. You are allowed to manually complete an order on form ( mai3800 - Works Order Form ) when interfaces are on as product option COMPWOLEL=Y - this should also set the repair date which will complete the defect - which is what you are trying to achieve. In order to do this you will have to query back each defect with the issue.

Before completing the work order line I notice that the year end date for the contract on the work order is set to 01-APR-2019. There maybe a business reason for this but I suggest amending this from 01-APR-2019 - 01-APR-2020 ( on the Contracts Form )  temporarily to do this task as it seems to affect the work order statuses that appear in the LOV ( list of values COMPLETED not shown ). After doing query back works order. Go to work order line. Change status from INSTRUCTED to COMPLETED then tab to the completed date below and overwrite with the date you wish the defect to be completed, then save.

This should complete the defect and work order line with the date you wish. If you wish to hold payment change the status of the work order line accordingly. 

Repeat for the other defects. Then change the date back on the contracts form for the contract if wish to leave before enabling the change( before altering to change the LOV values for this task )

 Original Author:Clive T