Working From Home with Exor

 Product(s):All Exor Products
 Area:Working from Home

Related Products: Asset Manager, CIM/FIM, Enquiry Manager, IM4, Maintenance Manager, MapCapture, Network Manager, Network Event Manager, Street Gazetteer Manager, Schemes Manager, Structures Manager, TMA Noticing & Permitting, Transportation Intelligence Gateway, UKPMS, AWLRS

Historically a number of Exor Users have accessed Exor software while not working in an office.

The software is designed to be accessed remotely and has been used this way for many years.

Users who are associated with a Managed Service Contract should see no impact at this time.

Users who are associated with an On-Premise installation should expect to be contacted by their own IT department with details.

Bentley Support is open for business as usual, despite working remotely, any Service Requests raised through the usual SAP Portal will be dealt with in the normal manner.

In view of the current situation SAP has been amended to allow Bentley to react quickly to any issues related to working from home – please ensure you tick the new “Working from Home Related Issue” box if you feel the issue is related to you working from home rather than you are just working from home.  

For major incidents classed as P1 issues, phone calls are still being taken.

Machine Requirements

Heritage Brand Exor product is a server-based suite of software, whether you are a Managed Service User or not working from home will mean you connecting to a service.

You will not need to download any software to access the service.

Bentley recommend using Internet Explorer (IE)11 as the connection tool.

You will need java on your machine.  If you don't have it installed your IT department should be able to help.

Accessing Product Information

Connection to the Bentley Communities Portal will allow you through to access Files under ALIM/Exor:

You must be logged in as a Bentley User to download these.

Additional Help

Bentley Communities remains available to you to review Wikis, Forum, Blogs and Files:

Hints and tips for working remotely with Exor Products:

 Original Author:Mark Lowe