Sort columns before export of data from TIG to Shapefile

 Product(s):Transportation Intelligence Gateway
 Area:Export of Data

A TIG Extract that has been successfully registered in the Exor database is the starting point of this how-to.  Select View Extract Data in Table to begin.

Once the dataset table has opened, select Export to Shapefile for this how-to.  in the subsequent dialog, the user can select only those fields deemed necessary in the shapefile by selecting the checkbox beside each attribute to be included in the output, or you can select all fields if that is the requirement.

The order of the columns in the shapefile will follow the order defined in the Extract Summary Information Step (1) page, in the Order column.  In the screenshot below, you can see that the Primary Key has been set to a position of 1 which means it will be the first column in the shapefile output.  

With the resulth shown in the Export to Shapefile Dialog:

 Original Author:Jon Libby