NEM Crashes when viewing event, or ORA-20212 error when adding locations

 Product(s):Exor Network Event Manager


There are 2 symptoms of this issue:

  1. When you double click an event to view the details, NEM crashes.  View on map works OK from the search results but the event details cannot be viewed.
  2. When adding a section to an event, an error message appears: ORA-20212: No values in placement array for xxxxxx


There were network edits happening that week, and one of the impacted network sections had been replaced.  Something hadn't gone quite right with one of the replacing sections, and it needed rescaling in AWLRS.  Once it had been rescaled the event was fine.

To identify the affected section I created a new event on the test system that is a copy of production and added each section from the original event one by one and eventually I saw the ORA-20212 error.

 Original Author:Sarah Willis-Culpitt