Exor MAI M_MGR-0234 in cyclic work orders

 Product(s):Exor Maintenance Manager
 Area:Cyclic Maintenance


 M_MGR-0234: Contracts pricing by area not allowed on cyclic works orders occuring when trying to instruct a Cyclic Order
Replication Steps: Contractor assigned to the contract has Road Group Type field populated this causes the issue as not allowed.


MAI3800A Cyclic Works Ordering M_MGR-0234: Contracts pricing by area not allowed on cyclic works orders occuring when trying to instruct a Cyclic Order
Replication Steps: Contractor assigned to the contract has Road Group Type field populated this causes the issue as not allowed.
Description Either assign a new contractor to the contract with the Road Group Type field blank. To see if blank go to mai3881 to quey back contractor details.

Or if that is not possible, check to see if any contract items against any contract assigned to that contractor is using group type assigned .If not then contact TSG for a script to clear these.


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 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group