Defect details changed after load

 Product(s):Exor Maintenance Manager
 Version(s): onwards
 Area:Inspection Loaders


User raised a fault where an inspector has carried out an inspection and downloaded it with out incident. However, after loading it into Atlas four defects now have altered defect depths to that recorded in the file

This appears to have happened during the loading into Atlas as the file has the correct depths.

Replication Steps: Load inspection file via the loaders into System


There seemed to be a discrepancy between detail in file and records in database. Post analysis it looks like the data has been manually altered after loading the inspection data into the system. The same person who did the inspection manually amended the data through the forms. The key to proving this was the def_movements table which details who made priority changes post loading and when each change was made.

There is SQL below that proves the data was altered post load. def_date_mod, shows when manual changes took place, other dates show when loaded, names show who collected data and who modified the data.

select batch_id,os_file,are_created_date,rse_unique,are_report_id,are_insp_load_date,are_date_work_done,
from hh_load_batches, activities_report,defects,def_movements,hig_users a,hig_users b,road_sections
where batch_id = NNNNN
and batch_id = are_batch_id
and are_rse_he_id = rse_he_id
and are_report_id = def_are_report_id
and def_defect_id = dfm_def_defect_id
and a.hus_user_id = dfm_peo_person_id
and b.hus_user_id = are_peo_person_id_actioned
order by are_report_id,def_defect_id,dfm_date_mod

NNNNN should be changed to batch number.

See Also

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 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group