Batch emails ignore table tag

 Applies To 
 Product(s):Exor Core / Alert Manager
 Environment: N/A
 Area: N/A
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


Batch emails do not replace {table} tag with details, and remain in alert log with 'pending' status, never updating to completed and never sending.
Replication Steps: create batch alert with {table} tag in the email body.  A good example is an email to be sent to the responsible user when changing the responsibility of field in PEM.


 The Process for Alert Manager needs to be started.  It should exist in the system as default, but it needs someone to kick it off.  Firstly check under Process Types (hig2500) that the frequency is appropriate, then go to Submit a Process (hig2510) and submit the Alert Manager Process, ensuring you choose either frequency 'once' to run it only once, or choose the appropriate time interval to keep it running.
Problem: 54201

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External Links

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