ORA 13356 adjacent points in a geometry are redundant

 Applies To 
 Product(s):Exor TMA Manager
 Environment: N/A
 Area: N/A
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group










 Received transaction fails to load with the following error message ORA-20000: HIG-0547: Invalid geometry.: ORA-13356: adjacent points in a geometry are redundant


 This error usually means that the validation has calculated some of the coordinates in the transaction to be incorrect.

Firstly check to see if the same coordinates have been declared at any point within the data you have received. For example are the start and end coordinates of a polyline the same or does a polygon cross itself similar to a figure of 8 formation.

If none of the coordinates are the same then it is possible that your spatial tolerance settings do not allow the coordinates to be as close together as those declared in the transaction.  For example if 2 coordinates are less than 50 centimeters apart and you have a spatial tolerance of 0.5, then the above error will be shown as the coordinates will be deemed as redundant. By default we recommend a spatial tolerance of 0.005.

To check the spatial tolerance please try the following:
1 – In the highways application on the main menu expand the Exor menu, then GIS Data and open the GIS Layer Tool form
2 – In the GIS Layer Tool expand the TMA Manager layer and select the TMA Layer
3 – Select the theme you want to check. If the error is complaining about phase coordinates then select Phase and then click the Get Themes button.
4 – select the theme at the bottom which is named something similar to TMA_PHASES_TAB
5 – click on the expand form button on the right hand side (labelled with >) which should then show you 3 tabs of data on the right, the first of which is SDO Metadata
6 – On the SDO metadata tab the spatial tolerance is shown in the last column after the start and end of each spatial dimension.

If you find that your spatial tolerance is set to a lower figure than .005 then you may be able to reset it by refreshing the SDO Metadata as follows:

1 – In the highways application on the main menu expand the Exor menu, then GIS Data and open the GIS Layer Tool form
2 – In the GIS Layer Tool expand the Traffic Management Act layer and select the TMA Layer
3 – Click the Get Themes button
4 – Select the theme at the bottom which is named TMA_PHASES_TAB
5 – Click on the Refresh Metadata button
6 – On the metadata form tick the Refresh SDO Metadata option and make sure there is not a tick in the Refresh SDE Metadata option
7 – Select the ‘Refresh Selected Theme and Child Theme(s)’ option in the Dependency Options
8 – Click run
9 – Repeat the steps above for any point themes on the same theme type, which for example may be named TMA_PHASES_PT_TAB on the Phases theme.
Problem Reference: 68731

See Also

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