FRM 41035 error when select notice type

 Applies To 
 Product(s):Exor TMA Manager
 Environment: N/A
 Area: N/A
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group










 When trying to send a Restriction notice the following error is seen once you select a notice type in the TMA1001 Noticing Assistant form:
FRM-41035: Cannot set NAVIGABLE attribute of non-enabled item COPY_RECIPIENTS.TNRE_RECIPIENT_TYPE.


 This error is often seen shortly after an upgrade to 4300 and it usually means that TMA 4300 Fix 1 hasn’t been fully applied.

TMA 4300 Fix 1 comes with a new version of the TMA1000 and TMA1001 form – please check that these updated versions have been copied into your exor BIN directory on the application server.

To check which version is currently being used, in the form click Help->About Current Form. The version shown in the Revision field should be as follows once fix 1 has been installed:
TMA1000 = 4.11
TMA1001 = 4.13

If you have copied the form to your exor BIN directory but it is still showing as the old version then you will need to restart your application server as Oracle is retaining a cached version.

See Also

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External Links

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