Erroneous defect repair dates

 Product(s):Exor Maintenance Manager


An inspection was carried out, using MapCapture, on 11-SEP-2013. After data loading was performed into the system, we noticed that one of the defects has ‘Date Repair Due’ set to 27-JUN-2013.


In this case, the new defect superseded one of the defects, which was created earlier in the system. The new defect inherited ‘Date Repair Date’ value from this superseded defect.

There is Product Options parameter which sets ‘superseding behavior’ for inspection loader:

DEFSUPRES - Enter “Y” or “N”. If set to “N” then when superseding, repair due date will be set as
if the defect is new. If set to “Y” then the repair due date will be set to the superseded defects repair due date.

There can be a situation, when a newly loaded defect supersedes an existing defect, which is already assigned to Work Order. In this case, the new defect “gets” status SUPERSEDED and it’s Date_Repair_Due is set as this defect is newly created (does not supersedes the earlier created defect).

 Original Author:Renatas Mazeika