Gotpermits - Analysis does not pass

 Product(s):SUPERLOAD Permit Administration


The analysis states that my analysis did not pass.  I select Restrictions and the description talks about parking overnight or limited travel times.  What does this mean?


Your analysis may not pass for the following reasons - vertical clearance failure, horizontal clearance failure, live load
bridge analysis failure, and / or a restriction failure. Clearance and weight failures are summarized in the analysis status message and graphically depicted on the Web page in the user specified failure color, but you cannot get a
specific description of the failure. The restriction text that can be displayed are conditions the state can place on the state highway network that further limit travel beyond the fixed conditions such as clearances and bridge weight limits.
These restriction conditions can be things like construction (temporary closures, lane width restrictions), weather, time of travel, special movement instructions (railroads), etc. These restrictions can either cause an analysis failure or may just add conditions to a move that can be permitted (see the next question). If the restrictions cause a failure, you can either re-route or submit the request for office review.

 Original Author:Leslie Mull