What differences between v1 and v2 flow actions ?


I just wonder what arre the differences between the two versions of the sames action in flow ? In which case is it better to use one or the other ?

  • V2 actions were introduced to simplify how a connection is specified. It uses one string parameter instead of two. This makes it easier to write flows that receive connection as a parameter instead of having it preselected. 

    Also, we are in progress of updating how Work Area Connections are handled in relation to new ProjectWise Web Connections releases (to be announced soon). The V2 actions will be updated to display the new connections. 

    Flows created with V1 or V2 actions will continue to work, but for all new development I recommend using V2. 

    Also, there is one notable difference in V2: actions to create or modify document attributes are different. V1 actions show a control for each attribute in the selected environment. In some cases this list get very long. Also, it was necessary to select an environment to be able to set an attribute. In V2 attributes are accessed as a name-value pair. It means that actions have only necessary controls and also it allows to modify attribute by name (that can even come from variable) without selecting an environment. For example, some configurations have multiple drawing environments tu cater for different document numbering standards. In these environments most of attributes are the same. In V2 it is easier to write a flow that changes, say Title of a document regardless of environment. This was possible in V1, but not as intuitive.  

    This topic certainly requires an article from me... 

    Answer Verified By: Benjamin Arnould 

  • Is there any difference regarding authentication?
    Is there support for logical user access? When defining the connected project connection to the datasource, one can choose to cjeck 'Use IMS  Authentication'. If not checked, can the connector still be used?

  • If you want to use logical account, can I suggest to do not use ProjectWise Connector but the standard HTTP request (require premium power automate licence) and make requests directly to the WSG of your integration server.

  • I am currently using a logical user to run Powershell scripts in an environment where using the desktop connection client is problematic. I wish I could avoid introducing another user (and license seat).
    If I change the authentication of my existing user to Federated Identity (IMS), could you point me at some resources on how to authenticate?
    The doc I have seen, did not clearly describe the authentication/authorization flow, i.e how to obtain the bearer token.
    Thanks for any insights.

  • According to the API reference documentation :

    All requests having a {RepositoryId} parameter must have one of the following:

    • Basic Authorization header. For example:

      Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==

      The Basic parameter is a base-64 encoded string "username:password".

    • Token header with a token that is understood by the plugin. Currently supported token versions are Bentley STS and OAuth2.

  • Indeed, I was talking about: "a token that is understood by the plugin. Currently supported token versions are Bentley STS and OAuth2."

    What does it mean?
    Where to you acquire such a token? And how?

    I suppose that is what the connection client does behind the scenes, but if you need to do it manually, using a HTTP request, then the doc looks incomplete to me. I would expect info about an 'authorize' and 'gettoken' endpoints.
    I guess this is the wrong thread to post this question.

  • STS and OAuth2 token are only for IMS accounts.

    If you want to use logical account, you need to use the method described in the 1st bullet point.

    The method to get an OAuth2 token is not described in Bentley documentation, but if you want a clue : https://imsoidc.bentley.com/dev/

    I suggest to open a new thread in the standard ProjectWise or the BDN forum if you want to discuss it.

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