What's New in LEAP Bridge Steel CE V19 Update 5? (Dec. 30, 2019)

LEAP Bridge Steel CONNECT Edition V19 Update 5 is now available to all users on Bentley Software Downloads. This update release contains enhancements and bug fix. The enhancements are summarized below.

  • AASHTO LRFD Section 6 Appendix A6
    This enhancement offers users the steel bridge code checking as per AASHTO LRFD Section 6 Appendix A6.
  • Interoperability of LEAP Bridge Steel and OpenBridge Modeler
    This enhancement offers the capability to collect and send steel reinforcement design data from Substructure module to OpenBridge Modeler for further detailing purpose.
  • Update of the analytical and steel code checking engines
    This enhancement upgraded the analytical and steel design code checking engines to the latest versions.

For the detailed release notes, please see the attached PDF file.