LEAP Bridge Concrete Superstructure

Is it possible to define a bridge with non-parallel abutments where every prestressed beam length is different? 

I have created a file with supports that have different skew angles, and the rendering looks correct, but when I do the analysis all the beam lengths are the same and all the self weight force effects are the same, and seemingly based on the span length measured along the alignment only. I have 15 beams to investigate, it would be nice to have them all in the same file instead of making 15 separate files!

  • Hi all,

    I am wondering if any of you can shed light on what it is like being a building structural engineer and how much it differs from bridge engineering. I currently am a structural engineer that designs bridges, culverts, retaining walls, and occasionally airport runway utility structures. I find that bridge engineering is very tedious, regulated, and lacks any creativity. Most of the engineering calculations are automated in programs like Erikson Culvert or Leap Conspan, BrR, etc. I am hoping to find an engineering role where there is more opportunity to be creative and to think critically. Are building structures more what I am looking for or is the job more or less the same at the end of the day? What other challenges does working in buildings have that may not be relevant to bridges? Any experiences you can share would be helpful. Thank you!

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  • I would suggest you to post in Engineering forums where you might get some feedback.

    This forum is mostly for technical solutions related to Bentley Bridge programs.

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