Allowing multiple designers to work on different elements of the same bridge at the same time - OpenBridge

Hi all,

We have a specific OpenBridge workflow that I can't seem to figure out. Say we have an urgent job that needs a quick turnaround, we would get multiple designers to work on the job at once. One would work on the abutments, one on the piers, one on the deck, one on the barriers, etc. How would we do this in OpenBridge?

I have tried creating a 'Bridge setout.dgn'. This model has the alignment, profile, support lines, and beam layout. That is then referenced into the 'Deck.dgn', and the 'Abutments.dgn' and 'Piers.dgn'. And a different person would be able to model, reinforce and document in each of those separate dgns. However, it doesn't seem possible to set the referenced bridge setout as the active bridge. This means that you can't select the support lines to create abutments, piers, etc. 

Am I missing a trick here?

  • Hi Colby,

    The active bridge can be read only from the active file, thus all geometry needs to be defined in the active file. Currently, there is no option to work in a workflow as you described. Because OBM creates parametric solids that adapt to the changes of other solids from the bridge, all of them need to be in contact and "aware" of other object's modifications. 

    Answer Verified By: Colby Gallagher 

  • Hi Colby,

    The active bridge can be read only from the active file, thus all geometry needs to be defined in the active file. Currently, there is no option to work in a workflow as you described. Because OBM creates parametric solids that adapt to the changes of other solids from the bridge, all of them need to be in contact and "aware" of other object's modifications. 

    Answer Verified By: Colby Gallagher 
