Is there a way to hide individual lines in a 2D view that has been cut from the model?

 I would like to be able to hide individual lines in my section views in order to make the drawings look correct. One specific example is shown in the image. I'd like to be able to hide the line between the 2 elements so it looks like one solid element.

I understand that if you can model it 'correctly' you should, but its not always possible, and sometimes modelling it correctly means that it looks messy on a drawing. 

In Revit, this is achieved by using an invisible linestyle on that particular line. It works very well and helps a tonne when creating drawings.

See here for explanation:'Linework'%20tool%20can%20be,are%20changed%20to%20'Invisible'.

However, I don't think there's a similar feature in OpenBridge/Microstation. 

If it's not possible, what do people use as a workaround for this?
