Modeling P/S slab with circular holes


I'm trying to model a bridge which is very usual in Spain, prestressed concrete slab with variable edge and circular holes to make it lighter (see pictures below)

Section with minimun edge, situated on center of span and with circular holes.

Section  with maximum edge, situated above columns and without circular holes

Longitudinal profile, you can see the variable edge and that circular holes are not along the full length of span

It is posible to insert these circular holes in a deck template to define it with constraints and not in the whole span of the bridge?

I have to model it with open bridge modeler and send it to RM bridge.

Thank you so much in advance.


Parents Reply
  • Hi Ana.

    Yes, I know it is possible to introduce variables in deck templates in advance decks, I've done for different dimensions like slab variable thickness or deck's width, and I could use it yesterday with advanced deck to define the bridge deck geometry.

    But, if I draw a circle when I'm drawing deck template, I only can define  variable constraints for center coordinates, not the radius or diameter and, even in the modeler I can move the center coordinates, when I send it to RM the circular hole stays on the original position I've drawn when I draw the template.

    So, my question is, how do I have to draw the circular hole when I'm drawing the deck template to define its radius or diameter and its centre as a variable constraint that RM Bridge can recognise correctly?

    Thank you so much.


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