Civil Labeler Masked Background


Is there a way to create a background mask behind field text using the Civil Labeler?

Even with an appropriate text style with a background, the background does not apply to field text.

In fact it doesn't apply to field text in standard Microstation cel either.

What would be the appropriate way to apply a background mask to a field text?

Thank you very much.

  • Hello,

    Yes, you can create a background mask behind field text using the Civil Labeler in MicroStation. The process for applying a background mask to field text is slightly different from regular text or standard MicroStation cells. Here's the appropriate way to apply a background mask to field text:

    Open the Civil Labeler tool in MicroStation.
    Select the field text element that you want to apply a background mask to.
    Right-click on the field text and select "Properties" from the context menu.
    In the Properties dialog box, go to the "Text" tab.
    Look for the "Background" option and enable it by checking the box.
    Choose the desired background color for the field text by clicking on the color swatch next to the "Background" option.
    Click "OK" to apply the changes and close the Properties dialog box.
    By enabling the background option and selecting a color, you should be able to create a background mask behind the field text using the Civil Labeler in MicroStation. Please note that this process may vary slightly depending on the version of MicroStation or the specific configuration you are using.

    I hope this information helps you.