Flared Girder Analysis

Document Information

Document Type: FAQ

Product(s): LEAP CONSPAN/Precast/Prestressed Girder

Version(s): All

Original Author: Bentley Technical Support Group - VM

QUESTION:  New option in Conspan to run the analysis when Flared Girder option is checked .


When the user has to analyze a flared girder then generally calculating the moments can be difficult and tricky .

So to get more accurate results when beam lengths vary in span, a new option has been introduced where in the user can "Run Girder-by-Girder Analysis".

User needs to click on SHOW option and then from the drop down menu user needs to select the Preferences option.

In the new Preferences window user can check the box next to "Run Girder-by-Girder Analysis" option.

But this option works under special conditions and these cases are .

1) Flared Girder option needs to be checked.

2) Same number of girder in all spans.

3) At least one of the following two conditions is met.

      a) Differences in Beam Length in a span exceed 10% of the longer length.

      b) The difference between the start spacing and the end spacing for any girder exceeds 50% of the lower spacing.

Please see the attached screenshot for more information.