Modeling Varying Width of Box Girder


Document Information

Document Type: FAQ

Product(s): LEAP CONBOX/CIP RC/PT Girder

Version(s): All

Original Author: Bentley Leap Bridge Technical Support Group – VM

QUESTION:  How to Model Varying width of Box Girder?


This example will show how to model varying width of Box girder in leap Conbox. Please follow this step by step procedure.

1) The bridge is a single span 60ft long Bridge.

2)  Click on Geometry TAB and click on Cross Section option.

3) In the Cross Section Layout Dialog Box click on Section button and in the new window check the Width  of the girder. Initially the width of the girder is inputted as 25ft.

4) Then click OK and in Cross Section Layout Dialog Box click on Recall Section and this command will Recall the Original section with all the related section properties.

5) Under "Location in Span" heading input the distance until which the Box girder width is constant. In this example, width of Box girder is 30ft.

6) Then Click on Add Section button and give a new name to the section, "CIP_Box-1" and Under Location in Span heading input the distance up to which width of the bridge needs to be flared/varied. In this example the location value is inputted as 60ft (End of the Bridge).

6) In the Cross Section Layout Dialog Box click on Section button and in the new window change the Width of the girder to 30ft and click OK.

7) Then Finally in the Geometry TAB -- Plan view, user should be able to see the Varying Bridge width.

Please see the attached Screenshot for more information.