RM Bridge TRAINING Examples

RM Bridge Training Examples is where the self-paced training examples can be accessed for user technical reference choosing from the list as shown in the screenshot below:

  1. Getting Started   a. Eurocode &  b. AASTHO;
  2. Prestressing Basic  a. Eurocode &  b. AASTHO;
  3. Composite Basics  a. Eurocode,  b. AASTHO,  c. Hollow Box &   d. Grillage;
  4. Balanced Cantilever  a. Eurocode &  b. AASTHO;
  5. Earthquake: RS - Response Spectrum;
  6. ILM - Incremental Launching Method;
  7. CSB - Cable Stayed Bridge   a. DIN  &  b. Eurocode;
  8. FEM Plate Bridge - Finite Element Modeling;
  9. Steel Design   a. Eurocode &  b. AASTHO;
  10. RStock - Rolling Stock;
  11. Auto-Meshing;
  12. Pushover.


Simple and complex beam and bridge models and issues are addressed and structural engineering technical know-how is expected from users. Eurocode, DIN and AASHTO codes are in general used.

Each option contains a list of different examples that can be used for learning purposes. Titles and description are indicative of the subject for making the selection easier. The datasets can be loaded/imported and the examples calculations run. A subdirectory of the current project directory is normally created for performing the analysis of the demo example; however, the user may select any other directory. All listed examples have a description document including theoretical background in the .pdf format. 

They are part of the product installation and can be found at File\Examples\Training examples as shown in the link below.
