RM Bridge: Bending, Cracking & Longitudinal Reinforcements

Bending Reinforcement with Schedule Actions: UltSup or UltLc.

A selection of elements for performing the ultimate capacity check can be done Structure > Elements > Checks.

The following requirements already exist for performing these schedule actions:

Figure 1: Reinforcement Types in Modeler > Cross-sections

Cracking Reinforcement with Schedule Actions: CrackSup or CrackLc.

These actions calculate the required additional reinforcement to meet the crack width design criteria.

A selection of elements for performing these actions can be done Structure > Elements > Checks.

Crack width design usually defined in individual national codes includes:

The reinforcement stress is calculated with presuming cracked conditions and nonlinear material behavior.

Figure 2: Cracking Reinforcement Area Value RMSet

Longitudinal Reinforcement with Schedule Actions: UltSup, UltLc, CrackSup or CrackLc.

With respect to functionality, Longitudinal bars can be considered in bending and cracking calculations and after they can be used to compute the reinforcement layout.

For the reinforcement bars arrangement, RM Bridge has two types of solutions:

Reinforcement layout from view options, can be presented in the main window and results saved in in Excel spreadsheet file and in *.lst file.

Figure 3: Longitudinal Reinforcement Layout in Main View

Longitudinal Reinforcement can be saved in a 3D DGN file.

Figure 4: Longitudinal Reinforcement in a 3D DGN file.

Figure 4: Longitudinal Reinforcement layout results.

Bending, Cracking & Longitudinal - Video
