RM Bridge: Suspension Bridge Modeling

In OpenBridge Designer, within RM Bridge, the Modeler option is still very open and powerful, and it allows the users to create Suspension Bridge models. As shown in the images from the screenshots below, the simple suspension bridge modeling example, that can be loaded with the example file rm9-sbm.tcl is done with one simple concept: independent Parts in the same Cross-section.

Initially, the user has to:

Axis1   SteelBridgeGirder

After this, the user needs to Copy SteelBoxGirder to SSBG and modify SSBG with:

    Suspension Model

For the Tables and Formulas, the input for the MC variation is shown in the screenshots below.

Table input   Table distribution 

As shown in the screenshots below. for the Main Girders, users should create the subdivision in the computational model.

    Segment MG

Then, in the bottom tab, inside the Variations tab, for the Variable ey-MainCable the MC Variable should be set.

    Modeler 3D View

The next step is the creation of the supports:

In this article, some basic RM Bridge knowledge is assumed to model the simple suspension bridge model; if this is not the case, users should check the beginners' references to be able to start using it faster. Adoption of the Modeler is really fast and it shouldn't take long to be able to perform all these steps.

About the initial forces and the structural design of suspension bridges and their main cable, please check the link below from our FAQ examples:
