4. Repeating Erection Sequences (with and without TStop)

Structures constructed in stages and having repetitive construction sequences and structural configurations for the repetitive parts can be defined as being constructed at one time, even though the different parts may, in reality, be built in different time schedules. The different parts are subsequently assigned to their actual relative age and simulate, in this way, the real time scale for construction.

This feature considerably reduces the amount of required data preparation, as well as, the computation time for the analysis.

A comparison of the input requirements to calculated results considering full creep effects is made between the traditional construction stage analysis method and the new “TSTOP” command, additionally provided in RM Bridge.

This Demo example presents the two types of analysis as:

Construction Stages considered in the analysis:  

By using “TSTOP”

The construction of all 3 piers plus cantilevers is first defined as happening at the same time (between day 0 and day 200).

Using TSTOP, Pier 2 plus cantilever is then assigned a 200 days’ time delay (i.e. construction is between day 200 and day 400) and Pier 3 plus cantilever s assigned a 400 day time delay (i.e. construction is between day 400 and day 600).

In this RM Bridge Demo example was defined two Schedule Variants, one first schedule named “DEFAULT” where stage actions are created without using the “TStop” command and a second schedule named “TSTOP” where is used “TStop”. The number of construction stages was reduced from 13 to 7 and the number of loading cases from 26 to 15 in this example.

In reality, there is an even greater saving of data preparation by using “TSTOP”.