15. Concrete Structures Elastic Shortening

In this Demo example is considered a cantilever beam consisting of ten elements (101-110) and three internal pre-stressing tendons (1- 3) as shown below:

In the example given in “ElasticShortening.tcl”, it is assumed that the cantilever is built in one stage. After application of self-weight (LCASE SW) each of the three tendons are stressed and grouted sequentially one after each other. Additional dead load (LCASE G2) is applied subsequently.

It is presented three different ways of installing the prestressing in the cantilever beam, due to different construction stages considered.  

In Schedule Default Variant, each tendon is stressed and grouted, one after the other, and the diagram of prestressing losses obtained is presented in the following image:

In Schedule Variant 2, the whole cantilever is activated in one step and self-weight is applied as before. Tendons 1 to 3 are all stressed and only afterwards the Grout commands for the three tendons is done. The additional dead load is applied again subsequently.

In this case, the diagram of prestressing losses obtained is presented in the following image:

In Schedule Variant 2a is selected in Recalculation path the option ‘Include el.comp.losses for ungrouted’ and the correspondent diagram of prestressing losses obtained is: