Tendons in RM Bridge

To create prestressing tendons in RM Bridge inside OpenBridge Designer users have two workflow options:

  1. Usual: to create the input by the Graphical User Interface, in OpenBridge Modeler or RM Bridge Modeler and RM Bridge Analyzer GUI, or;
  2. Fast TOOL: use the RM Bridge Cantilever Preprocessor: for experienced users, it might be much faster to use the GUI available at Extras.

Basically, there are four fundamental steps:

  1. References: all the Cross-section points and Elements that might be needed to be mentioned should be created beforehand either in OpenBridge Modeler or RM Bridge Modeler ;
  2. Geometry: in RM Bridge AnalyzerAnalyzer/Structure/Tendons are the options for Element Assignment, Geometry, and 3D definition;
  3. Actions: in RM Bridge AnalyzerAnalyzer/Schedule/Load Definition/Tendon Load: the PT cable actions are defined;
  4. Activation: in RM Bridge AnalyzerAnalyzer/Schedule/Stages/Schedule Actions: to activate the cable in the right construction schedule the Stress Action needs to be set for a group of Stress Labels .

More information can be found at the links below and at the Manuals. 



