OpenBridge Designer interoperability with ProjectWise


The proposed workflow for the interoperability between OpenBridge Designer (OBD) and ProjectWise (PW) is as follows:


  1. User starts OBD and from the landing page they log in to PW.

  1. The user creates a new obdx file by selecting the folder location on the PW data source.


  1. Under BIM or Standalone workflows, user creates a new working folder and then they start OpenBridge Modeler (OBM). When opening, OBM will prompt again the user to log in to PW. This an important step because OBM will use the managed configuration from the selected path. One can store the .obdx file in one path and the .dgn file in another path. To correctly load the configuration, the .dgn file needs to be stored on properly configured configuration where the .obdx file can be stored in any folder and it is not affected by the managed configuration.
  2. The user creates a new .dgn in the selected path.


  1. After the file is created in PW, OBM will restart to load the configuration from the server.



  1. User starts OBD and from the landing page they log in to PW.
  2. User then starts OBM by selecting a project file from the available projects. When OBM loads, it will request to log in to PW data source where the file is stored.
  3. OBM will compare the configuration from the online data source with the one previously stored on the local machine. If differences are found, OBM will update the local configuration by downloading from the data source the new version of the files. OBM will then restart to load the correct configuration.