How do you model a slab bridge deck with a haunch at both bottom edges?

Question: How do you model a slab bridge deck with a haunch at both bottom edges?

OBM Solution: As shown step-by-step below, the user can select a Deck Template and assign the Variables Constraints.

  1. Select the Slab Bridge as the Bridge Type.
  2. Select a Deck Template
  3. Assign the Variables Constraints:
    1. Click over / Select the Deck
    2. At Properties: Click over / SELECT to Edit the Variable Constraints
    3. Click at the ... (three dots button) to open the Deck Template Window
    4. Click over / Select the Template to check
    5. Click over / Select the Thickness (it will turn to blue)
    6. Change the top window view from Template to Variable to be able to verify the input
    7. Set it as Active (it will have the Checkmark)
    8. Use the + (Plus button) to add the necessary lines for the Variable Constraints definition 



Alternatively, as shown below, the user can directly use the Element Selection for the Deck on the screen, then hover the mouse over the Deck to select the Properties button and then the Variables SELECT to Edit and the .. button to access the Variable Constraints Window.