No Connect if you have ABD

Do I understand correctly that if I have a ABD licens I can't open use Connect?

There was no problem with not having MicroStation as it was the same as ABD  - give or take a few months delay. And little difference.

But with Connect  there are some functions and 64-bit you want to try and test.

Parents Reply
  • It is true that an ABD license cannot be used to run MicroStation - they are two separate applications requiring two separate licenses. I do understand though why you may want to try/use MicroStation CONNECT for things that are unique to it - for some time now the underlying MicroStation version in ABD has actually been ahead of the MicroStation V8i commercial release, but with CONNECT that changes. I would suggest contacting your Account Manager to see what options you might have regarding Open Access, passports, etc..

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