Status Property - ABD 829

I've just started a project using the NM dataset as a seed.  The only option that I have for the "Status" property is "New", I can't change it to anything else.  What am I missing?  This can't be the only option.  I know I had other options in other data sets but I can't remember if I added those options or not (it's been a while).

John K.

  • John,

    The "Status" and "Air Flow" properties are string values filled with the information related to the Family & Part information used.

    I.e., If you are placing a diffuser with the "Supply-New" family, then the "Air Flow" will be automatically "Supply" and the "Status" will be automatically "New". This is the reason you cannot change directly the value. If you want to do it, then use a different part, or create a new one with the name you need for both properties.

    You can see it better in the screenshot:

    Hope it helps you.

    Answer Verified By: jkknighton 

  • Thank you Eduardo.  I did notice that if you create an item in the Dataset Explorer without the "-status" in the name then it will allow you to change that part's status after you place it (see image).  I don't remember this behavior in SS5, is this new?  One concern that i do have is the following scenario:  After a project is completed and all of the elements have been as-built then the elements are no longer "new", they are "existing" or maybe even "demo" down the road.  How do you change this without replacing every single part?


    John K.

  • Good question John,

    I did some experimenting on the sample project. All this was modeled with the Family & Parts 'out of the box', so things like Duct/Supply-New, Duct/Return-New, Diffusers/Supply-New, etc.

    I went right to the Dataset Explorer and tried to use the Ss6 Excel Exchange>Edit in Excel and Update from Excel and the status would not change. I created new F&P for some of the items, Duct/Return-Existing, Diffusers/Return-Existing and made the colors different so I could see the results easier in the model.

    I utilized the new Ss6 Multi-Category Schedules in the DataGroup Explorer and basically added all  the HVAC DataGroup Types and just a few properties: Instance Name, Status, Air Flow, ID|Eqpt and File, just to make it easier to work with in the DG Explorer, I don't need to see all those properties (in my screen shot I also have Instance Owner - I took that out later, not important to the way I want to use the schedule).

    Working with the return system, I created selection sets and did Apply Family & Part to chnage the Part to the -Existing (you can see the dark red color I applied) for the duct components  and then did a Modify Properties, changed New to Existing and they are updated. Then I did the same thing  to the diffusers/grilles. There are a couple of stubborn pieces of duct you can see in the very top and in the DG Explorer list that won't change for me, not sure why, I would just remodel those.

    I wonder if I had created F&P without the "-status" in the name that I could use the Excel Exchange function to edit the status. 

  • One other thing is to note that the DataGroup properties include the Phasing property with the list: New Construction, Existing to Remain, Exiting to Demolish, etc. to track the status of components.

    Answer Verified By: jkknighton