AECOSIM re-symbolization of 3D objects to 2D symbols

It's possible with AECOSIM get the same output that is done with the Speedikon filters?

Unique View Filter Technology

Bentley speedikon Architectural includes unique view filter technology, a fully customizable functionality that controls not only level/layer and drawing symbology (color, line weight and style), but also the re-symbolization of 3D objects to 2D symbols. Therefore, from the same building information model, a variety of floor plans, sections, elevations, and details can be generated at different scale and depth of detail, such as design layouts, working drawings, details, orientation or escape route drawings, simply by changing view filters. Because all drawing originate from the same source, consistency and accuracy across all drawings is guaranteed.

  • Hi Arturo,
    I believe this is essentially a form of LOD (Level Of Detail). If so, I'm not aware of any ABD built-in functionality that would provide the same results without manual intervention.

    Question: Does anyone here do this type of thing in ABD today, and if so, how do you go about it?

  • Vorrei dire a Steve che Bentley dispone di questa tecnologia su un altro suo prodotto BIM che si chiama Speedikon.
    Perché non la implementano anche su AECOSIM?
    Allega anche in questo caso l'immagine.

    Da: "Steve Cocchi"
    Data: 13 Apr 2016 17:56:24 -0500
    Oggetto: RE: AECOSIM re-symbolization of 3D objects to 2D symbols [Building Analysis and Design Forum]


     Message from Bentley Communities
    Steve Cocchi

    Hi Arturo,
    I believe this is essentially a form of LOD (Level Of Detail). If so, I'm not aware of any ABD built-in functionality that would provide the same results without manual intervention.

    Question: Does anyone here do this type of thing in ABD today, and if so, how do you go about it?

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  • Ah yes, speedikon does include this! But it is an entirely different product, coded to do things differently from the start. As with most products, each can do things that the other cannot.

  • Any plans about ABD next version? At least architects need these filters or something similar fully integrated. LOD is important.
    We have tried to create some 2D resymbolization cells with different information in different leves for elevations and plans attached to 3D elements and it is very difficult to manage them.

    Is there any forum ideas to make the proposal?

  • Unknown said:
    functionality that controls not only level/layer and drawing symbology (color, line weight and style), but also the re-symbolization of 3D objects to 2D symbols. Therefore, from the same building information model, a variety of floor plans, sections, elevations, and details can be generated at different scale and depth of detail

    +1. This LOD facility should have utmost priority.

    Other BIM systems/users do not suffer from the standard advice/belief that 2D !:2, 1:5, 1:10 etc details are still, pragmatically/realistically, done manually, at best 'tracing over' 1:50 schematic-level sections which are all that the BIM is capable of. Othe BIM systems/users go all-out for the SBM (Single Building Model) ideal.

    Which does not mean modelling everything everywhere in total detail;

    but models in detail only where detail cuts are to be made,

    and automates the various LOD processes by various means - Bentley's own Speedikon has one example of that.