ABD SS6 - Named expressions question


I have a question about named expressions. Maybe we use them in a strange way or we don't use all their capabilities.

When we create a plot file the name of the file is for example: "js_A01_Situation.dgn"

We create a named expression attached in all the plot files that is:

System.String.Substring(System.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (ActiveFile.FileName),7,-1)

It is obviously based in the length of the string.

We use this named expression to take parts of this file name " js_A01_Situation.dgn" and fill the border of the drawing thanks to the pen table.

Project code: js

Sheet number: A01

Sheet title: Situation

For us is very useful. We change the name of file o rewrite it once and we change the name of pdf we generate without open the file.

Now we have a little problem. We must deliver the sheets with the sheet title in two languages in two different lines.

Continuing with the previous example a possible file name would be: "js_A01_Situation-Emplazamiento.dgn"

And obviously the length of the string is different in every case. Is there any way to trim the string based in a special character. In this case it would be "-"

Lot of thanks


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