New discipline in Datagroup Explorer

Is it possible to create a new discipline in the Datagroup explorer?

So a Civil Engineering one (for example) to go along with Structural, Architectural etc.

Parents Reply Children
  • Is there any training material on setting up these Discipline groups?  I am interested in setting one up that is more Infrastructure orientated. 

  • Hi Alex,

    There isn't much to this operation. You can create top level groups and sub-groups:

    These will be stored in the active dataset's 'DataGroupSystem' folder, e.g.:

    "C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenBuildings CONNECT Edition\Configuration\Datasets\Dataset_NM\DataGroupSystem\CatalogTypeGroups.xml"

    You would also want to create one or more filters for the new group:

    This is covered in the help documents: Home > OpenBuildings Designer > DataGroup System > DataGroup Data Tools and Utilities > Catalog Editor > Modify Catalog Filters.

    Catalog Items created in the new groups or sub-groups can then be stored at Organization (i.e. Dataset), WorkSpace or WorkSet levels as required.

    Always save (when possible) your changes to separate xml files from those we deliver, this makes it a lot easier to carry your custom content forward when we update the datasets. (CatalogTypeGroups.xml is one of the exceptions where we don't have the facility to save to a separate file.)
