Ricghtmouseclick > isolate - no longer in Connect?

In V8i you could select objects, rightclick and select 'isolate' to display only those elements (and using 'isolate clear' to display all objects again).

This seems not to show in the Connect edition?

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  • Glad you got that StefanC.

    Just for a little clarification, a right-click on the mouse is technically a 'reset' and also is used to 'reject' a choice in some tool's workflows (whereas a left-click is an 'accept' in those workflows).

    A right-press (holding the right mouse button a split second longer) is what opens the context sensitive menu where the Displayset Set and Displayset Clear are found. Basically renamed from the earlier version's 'Isolate' name.

    The right-press context sensitive menu is named 'context sensitive' because it will give you tools that are pertinent to the component that the Element Selection locate is hovering over, e.g., you get door modification tools when hovering over a door, duct modification tools when hovering over a duct component, reference tools when hovering over a component in a reference file, etc.

    Also, for the Displayset to display there is a Displayset View Attribute toggle that needs to be toggled on. One thing you can do with that is to set a Displayset, then if you need to, toggle it off to see all the other components, and use the add to Displayset in the shift-right-click menu to add to the Displayset, and toggle it back on. The Displayset is still active until you Clear the Displayset.

    When you use 'Displayset Set' it will toggle on the Displayset View Attribute automatically if it was in an off state.  

  • I'll try to keep this in mind next question ;)

    Windows 10 pro

    OpenBuildings Designer Connect Edition 2023 |