"Triforma has intentionally restricted changes to this element"

We have a project that was done in Bentley Architecture. The project is now on construction stages and there are some changes that needs to be done on the floor plan. We are now using the extracted 2D floor plans to do the changes. But we can not make any changes to the floor plan because of the message "Triforma has intentionally restricted changes to this element".  Is there a way we can make the 2D plan editable? Thanks for any help.



BA 08050407

  • We have this problem with our BA XM extractions. I assume BA V8i is similar.

    We created a batch file that we processed on our extracted drawings that dropped the triforma intellagence, and then dropped the cells to elements.

    We first selected everything.

    Then used the key-in "tfremove all" - This removes the triforma Intellagence.

    We then select everything again, and dropped the cells. - this step might have to be done a few times depending on what you want to end up with..

    You then end up with a drawing that is editable in vanilla Microstation.  depending on how you setup the drop function, you can end up with lines and cells, or just lines.

    This also helps when exporting to DWG.


    Michael Komnacki

  • We have this problem with our BA XM extractions. I assume BA V8i is similar.

    We created a batch file that we processed on our extracted drawings that dropped the triforma intellagence, and then dropped the cells to elements.

    We first selected everything.

    Then used the key-in "tfremove all" - This removes the triforma Intellagence.

    We then select everything again, and dropped the cells. - this step might have to be done a few times depending on what you want to end up with..

    You then end up with a drawing that is editable in vanilla Microstation.  depending on how you setup the drop function, you can end up with lines and cells, or just lines.

    This also helps when exporting to DWG.


    Michael Komnacki
