Aecosim CE3 - Compound Cell Perforators

I have recently been experiencing an issue with the perforators in compound cells created in CE3 not working.

The perforator does not cut the forms that it is inserted in.

Cells originally created in SS6 using the same workflow operate just fine.

When interrogating the properties of these cells, the perforator tab in the Building Element Information window does not even show up even though the perforator element is clearly defined and visible in the cell preview in the Compound Cell Manager window.

Am I missing something here? 

Parents Reply
  • Hi Dominic

    Yes. If I understand your question correctly. There is no change in the den file precision.

    I have experimented and find that there is no problem if I create the cell with a simple, rectangular element either extruded as a solid or created as a linear form and assigned a perforator.

    The problem occurs with shapes that have been extruded as solids and assembled to create say a door or window

    As I mentioned, cells created in exactly the same way previously in SS6 work just fine when inserted in walls created in CE3
