AECOsim Building Designer CONNECT Edition


I seem to encounter an issue when running the installation of this application via SCCM 2012.

I have created a .bat file of the following: "%~dp0Setup_AECOsimBuildingDesignerx64_10.04.00.069.exe" -install -silent

When running this as system (psexec), the installation and all of its pre-reqs and add-ons install fine.

However, when running the exact same install command via SCCM we encounter the below:

failed to install: 0x80070642(-2147023294)

SCCM has deduced the above as a 'user has cancelled installation'.

This was not the case as it was my test machine I was deploying to and I certainly did not cancel the installation.

After reading a few blogs etc. It appears it may be a .net error and we need to 'update windows' and install .net 4.5.2. the machine does not require win7 updating and we have .net 4.6.2 already installed.

What is the workaround for this issue?

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