Cell and other documents

Hello, I'm using Update 3, Aecosim Connect Edition v10.

I have created the cells and compound cells correctly and my catalog items but...

When I try to used them in other workspace, by copying and paste in the correspondent folder of worksets all of the .XML; bxc; .pal; *.cel; *.jpg that I was using (DatagroupSystem, DatagroupCatalog and Part form XML -  Cell for bxc and cel - Materials for palettes and their correspondent bump and pattern) ; the materials that were applyed in the properties of some levels and not by family&part don't work well.

I have loaded my palettes (Works correctly), I changed the url of the family&parts, charged my library cells and check the catalog editor for "Prove_NM" and appear all the necessary, but when I check the material that was applied in these levels, the material have changed from "XXXXX.jpg" to "(None). Materials applied by family&part work correctly but I need these other in level.

In addition, I have to make a zip to share the cells, compound cells and items with other partners, and I don't know if the url is correctly because this "PROVE_NM" could change to "Building…._NM" or other… and I think they Will have to change something but I don't really know and in my opinión it isn't correctly. Will it change automatically?

Have I to share the *.dgn where I have created the cell and everything?

Thank you,