OBD U4 Dynamic Views + Fills

1. Set Forward View Filled Visible Edges. The window appears with blue fill. 

2. Generate DV drawing - Dynamic

3. Mstn generates DV and opens the Drawing model. Blue window fill is visible. Expected behaviour.

4. Go back to 3d model and generate DV as before but use CVE (Cached) setting

5. Mstn generates CVE and opens the Drawing model. Blue window fill is gone. :-(

  • Hi Dominic,

    I believe, you would get the same view if you had 'Visible Edges' for Display in the Display Style settings for the one used for the Forward View, in the Dynamic Settings.

    It appears, while you are in the Dynamic settings, the Display Style gets the priority. When you are in the Cached view, you get the symbology from the Family and Part setting in priority, which is how it should be. So, if you use 'Visible Edges' in the Display option for the Forward display style you are using, you should see the settings applied in the Family and Part in the view, even when you are in the Dynamic View.




  • Satadal,

    'Visible Edges' just gives you linework, no fills. Filled Visible Edges should give you fills in addition to linework.

    CVE + Visible Edges does not give us any fills.

  • FWIW, cached mode has never supported filled/shaded display styles.   Use the right-click > Copy/Hide Cached Element option and check element info - you will see that the actual cached graphics are composed of linear elements, so there is nothing to fill or shade.  When in dynamic mode the process is acting on the referenced 3D element instead.  

    If you have a single element that needs a fill, I suppose you could create a complex shape from the cached linear elements, assign it to a different level, and apply a fill.  If reverting to dynamic mode that shape's level can be temporarily turned off then back on when re-caching.  In order to hide the new cached graphics you can choose the Hide Cached Element command from the right-click menu. 

  • Times they are a changing... BD


    CVE needs to keep up with the competition. In the old days, working drawings were predominantly B/W linework with hatches. Then, colour printing got cheap and we started wanting fills, fills with transparency, gradient fills on our drawings. Then materials to show off that wood flooring in plan. Raster trees and entourage with alpha channel and even clipping path to allow it to overprint the background properly.

    Shadows, depth cuing etc.

    CVE's are a means to avoid a recalc every time.

  • Forcing a recalc everytime a file is opened is not a sustainable option. We are advised that CVE's are the solution.. to avoid long long times and lack of 'flow' when switching between files on one hand. OTOH, we need to cater to contemporary graphic presentation requirements.

    Whether the fills were part of CVE's or not at inception is irrelevant. There are tons of key functionality that is still being added (See U6)

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