object properties


is there a possibility to define the order of the categories of the "properties list-toolbar"
or what is making what category comes first, what second....

regards Rik


Parents Reply
  • Yes please,

    first of all, standard settings must be shown at the top (width, height, part, .... )
    so not the groups, but individual properties are important
    these can be re-grouped but that is not priority

    additional settings like attributes (also class) should be added in the same place
    also placing properties should added in the same toolbox

    now we have to dance over the screens to put all necessary information on different places
    please redesign the "place wall/slab/...." toolboxes to compact everything (data group selections, placement, offsets, options, attributes, floormaster, locks, ....  this can much much MUCH better.

    reordering - looks like an individual setting - but should be preset by the organization
    affects all items/type at the same way

    preset: keep "last one used" as default - not a preset one - this is really annoying

    and selecting placement tools must be much faster, it takes to long to select a new entry - the whole engine of the select series is slow, it was better in v8i times

    Regards Rik

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