OpenBuildings - after changing a part, a way to reload all associated models or saved views?

hello everyone - 

I had a question from our OPB team, and they are wonder that after changing a part, is there an "easy" way to reload all associated models and/or views?

Kirk Peterson

  • Hi Kirk,

    If I understand it correctly you want to change Part /Family in all models [And saved views] easily , there is no direct method for DGN and its model, but we have a very powerful tool in CE File->Utilities-> Part Utilities-> Component Part Mapping.

    If you see we can use if for .cel,, .paz etc but not for DGNs. 

    We can use trick to change extension of .dgn file to .cel and use this utility to fulfil our requirement, of course once done we need to change extension back to .dgn.

    Not sure if you are looking for the same , if yes then try once.

