Information sources about ProStructures Interoperability in OpenBuildings Update 7

The product release announcement contains an overview of the changes delivered by Update 7:

OpenBuildings Designer CONNECT Edition, Update 7 (v10.07.00.105)

or similar content in the online help's New and Changed in CONNECT Edition Update 7 page.

We have added the following wiki pages covering ProStructures Interoperability in Update 7 and onwards:

ProStructures Interoperability

ProStructures Interoperability - Configuration Changes

Search using the ProStructures Interoperability tag.

Online help for ProStructures Interoperability can be found under the OpenBuildings Structural heading where there the following sections

What Is Structural discipline?

The Structural Upgrade Utilities section includes details of the dataset content and configuration changes relating to ProStructues and of the utilities we have delivered to manage upgrading existing installations, configurations datasets and files to fully utilize ProStructures technology. There is a section covering each of the utilities: Structural Dataset Upgrade and Structural Element Upgrade Utility.

Steel Options

PS Toggles

Using Snaps, Tentative Snaps, and AccuSnaps

Structural Shapes

Structural Placement

PS Properties

Structural Manipulation/Modification

Model Annotation

Structural Import/Export

Drawings and Reports

Customizing Structural Building Designer