OBD U7 - DataGroupSystem Files

Back into the freyand it occurs to me, wouldn't it be better for files like StructuralCatalogTypes.xml to be organisation based rather than install bound. I'd like to edit the content, which seems to reset each time I edit it, and have it customised based on the Organisation\Client. Is this possible?

If not, what's the best workflow for this?


  • The Catalog XML and XSD files contained in C:\Program Files\Bentley\OpenBuildings CONNECT Edition\OpenBuildingsDesigner\DataGroupSystem are required for operation of the building tools so are installed with the application.

    The intended workflow for modification is editing dataset content at the appropriate level.

    Please explain what you would like to modify in StructuralCatalogTypes.xml so we can advise further.


  • Firstly, I'd like to break down the disciplines into something more relevant to the office\industry, this would include the ability to set some slab 'types' under different disciplines. An example of this would be to set flat steel flooring settings for floor plate, grating etc. under Structural and concrete floor thicknesses under Concrete. We don't actually have Architectural as a discipline. 

    Having these at the Organisation level means they can be modified as required for the different clients.

    On top of this it would be nice to have some on\off control for Disciplines and Items. Just be able to reduce the clutter visible without effecting the program. e.g. we don't use HVAC so it would be nice to hide it all.