[OBD SDK Connect Update 8] - modifying Structural Elements with Open Building SDK (STFC-Api)


I need to change some Properties of a Steel Beam Element in Open Building Designer Update 8 using the C-Api "stfc-api"..

Until now I've been able to read the "LinearMember" out of the EditElementHandle and to change some Properties in it using 

following Code:

virtual StatusInt _OnElementModify(EditElementHandleR eehSteelBeam) override

		StatusInt statusInt;

		MSElementDescrP elmDescrP = eehSteelBeam .GetElementDescrP();

		STFLinearMemberList* linearMemberListP=mdlSTFLinearMemberList_constructFromDescr(elmDescrP , false);	//SUCCESS
		if (!linearMemberListP)return ERROR;

		STFLinearMember* linearMemberP=mdlSTFLinearMemberList_getLinearMember		(			linearMemberListP		);	//SUCCESS
		if (!linearMemberP)return ERROR;

		DPoint3d pP = { 0,0,0 };
		DPoint3d pQ = { 0,0,0 };
		mdlSTFLinearMember_getPQPoints(linearMemberP,&pP, &pQ);	//SUCCESS
		pQ.z += 2000000;
		statusInt=      mdlSTFLinearMember_setPQPoints(linearMemberP, &pP, &pQ);	//SUCCESS

		statusInt=mdlSTFLinearMember_save(linearMemberP, false);			//ERROR: 32768
		//statusInt = mdlSTFLinearMember_replaceInDgn(linearMemberP);		////ERROR: 32768


		return SUCCESS;

But when I try to save it to the DGN It allways brings The ErrorSatus (StatusInt) = 32768 and nothing happens.

I tried "mdlSTFLinearMember_replaceInDgn" , "mdlSTFLinearMember_save" and "mdlSTFLinearMember_addToDgnExt" but nothing is working.

Hopefully there is sombody out there with some experience with the Open Building SDK.

Many thanks in advance for your efforts


Manuel Höger

Softwareentwicklung | mhoeger@cadcom.de           
Tel: +49 30 - 53 63 62 – 44 | Mobil: +49 162 - 53 18 640

cadcom® Systemhaus GmbH
Stralauer Platz 33 | Kontorhaus |10243 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 - 53 63 62 – 0 | Fax: +49 30 - 53 63 62 - 30

  • Hello,

    since Update 6, the default structural elements have been replaced with new generation structural elements. Most likely, the element handle eehSteelBeam contains this new generation structural element. The API for them is mdlSTFStructuralMember found in mdlstfstructuralmember.fdf and should be located next to mdlstflnrmem.fdf

    The new functions to replace old ones are  






    The old mdlSTFLinearMember API is still available for these new elements as read-only.

    Please let me know if this solves the issue

    Answer Verified By: Manuel Höger 

  • Hi Mykolas,

    Is it possible that you send me the rest of the mdlstfstructuralmember_ header signatures? I want to create a structural member as well and at the moment I'm doing this with a dotnet workaround. This is not very satisfying.



  • There is also additional helper class

    STFPSSectionList and STFPSSection

    here's header for them

    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSectionList_append
    STFPSSectionList** ppThis,     
    STFPSSectionList*  pAppendList 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE STFPSSectionList* mdlSTFPSSectionList_construct
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSectionList_construct2
    STFPSSectionList** ppThis,    
    STFPSSection*      pPsSection 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE STFPSSectionList* mdlSTFPSSectionList_duplicate
    STFPSSectionList* pThis 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE void mdlSTFPSSectionList_free
    STFPSSectionList** ppThis 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE int mdlSTFPSSectionList_getCount
    STFPSSectionList const* pThis 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE int mdlSTFPSSectionList_getIndex
    STFPSSectionList const* pThis,  
    STFPSSectionList const* pSearch 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE STFPSSectionList* mdlSTFPSSectionList_getLast
    STFPSSectionList* pThis 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE STFPSSectionList* mdlSTFPSSectionList_getNext
    STFPSSectionList* pThis 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE STFPSSectionList* mdlSTFPSSectionList_getNode
    STFPSSectionList* pThis, 
    int               index  
    TFAPI_EXPOSE STFPSSection* mdlSTFPSSectionList_getPSSection
    STFPSSectionList* pThis 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE void mdlSTFPSSectionList_insertList
    STFPSSectionList* pThis,  
    STFPSSectionList* pInsert 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSectionList_prepend
    STFPSSectionList** ppThis, 
    STFPSSectionList*  pAdd    
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSectionList_reverse
    STFPSSectionList** ppThis 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSectionList_setNext
    STFPSSectionList* pThis, 
    STFPSSectionList* pNext  
    TFAPI_EXPOSE STFPSSectionList* mdlSTFPSSectionList_unlinkNode
    STFPSSectionList** ppThis, 
    STFPSSectionList*  pRemove 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSection_duplicate
    STFPSSection*      pThis, 
    STFPSSectionList** ppCopy 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSection_initialize
    STFPSSection* pThis 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSection_setFullCrossSection
    STFPSSection* pThis,          
    WChar const*  fullSectionName 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE TFWStringList* mdlSTFPSSection_getFullSectionName
    STFPSSection const* pThis 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE bool mdlSTFPSSection_taperingIsPossible
    STFPSSection const* pThis 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSection_setCrossSection
    STFPSSection* pThis,        
    int           sectionType,  
    WChar const*  sectionClass, 
    WChar const*  sectionName   
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSection_swap
    STFPSSection* pThis, 
    STFPSSection* pThat  
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSection_init
    STFPSSection* pThis,      
    WChar const*  sectionName 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE bool mdlSTFPSSection_isValid
    STFPSSection const* pThis 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE bool mdlSTFPSSection_hasCentroid
    STFPSSection* pThis 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSection_getCentroid
    STFPSSection* pThis,     
    DPoint2d*     pCentroid, 
    bool          reflected  
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSection_getInsertPointOffset
    STFPSSection const* pThis,            
    DPoint2d*           pOffset,          
    int                 insertPointIndex, 
    bool                reflected         
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSection_setModelRef
    STFPSSection* pThis,    
    DgnModelRefP  pModelRef 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSection_getWidth
    STFPSSection const* pThis, 
    double*             pWidth 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSection_getHeight
    STFPSSection const* pThis,  
    double*             pHeight 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSection_getWeight
    STFPSSection const* pThis,  
    double*             pWeight 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSection_getFlangeThickness
    STFPSSection const* pThis,           
    double*             pFlangeThickness 
    TFAPI_EXPOSE StatusInt mdlSTFPSSection_initByRectangularProps
    STFPSSection* pThis, 
    double        width, 
    double        height 

  • Great!

    I think, now I have the tools I need.

    Thanks a lot! Maybe you- could give me a small example for a concrete shape and a steel beam. But only if it's not too time intensive. I could find out by myself but probably it would cost me a lot of time. 

  • Here are some simple examples to place concrete and steel beams for US dataset

    template <typename T, typename DeleteF> static [[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr<T, DeleteF> tfmake_unique(T* myObject, DeleteF deleteF) noexcept
        return std::unique_ptr<T, DeleteF>(myObject, deleteF);
    static void placeMember(WChar const* catalogType, WChar const* catalogName, int sectionType, WChar const* sectionClass, WChar const* sectionName)
        if (auto pStructuralList = tfmake_unique(mdlSTFStructuralMemberList_construct(), [](auto* p) { mdlSTFStructuralMemberList_free(&p); }))
            STFStructuralMember* pMember = mdlSTFStructuralMemberList_getStructuralMember(pStructuralList.get());
            // hardcode the member's end points
            DPoint3d startPt{ 0, 0, 0 };
            DPoint3d endPt{ 0, 0, 0 };
            double lengthMU{ 10 };
            mdlSTFStructuralMember_setCatalogItem2(pMember, catalogType, catalogName, true);
            mdlSTFStructuralMember_setCrossSection(pMember, sectionType, sectionClass, sectionName);
            mdlCnv_masterToUOR(&endPt.y, lengthMU, mdlModelRef_getActive());
            mdlSTFStructuralMember_setPQPoints(pMember, &startPt, &endPt);
            // hardcode the member's placement point
            mdlSTFStructuralMember_setPlacementPoint(pMember, 8);
            //write and get the ElementDescriptor
            auto pED = tfmake_unique(mdlSTFStructuralMember_createElementWritten(pMember, mdlModelRef_getActive()), [](auto* p) { mdlElmdscr_freeAll(&p); });
    //1 standard shape
    //2 user shape
    //4 combined shape
    //5 weld shape
    //6 parametric shape RECTANGLE or CIRCLE class
    static void placeConcreteMember()
        placeMember(L"Concrete Beam", L"Beams", 6, L"RECTANGLE", L"1x1"); //same for all datasets
        placeMember(L"Concrete Beam", L"Beams", 6, L"CIRCLE", L"1"); //same for all datasets
        placeMember(L"Concrete Beam", L"Beams", 2, L"HEXAGON", L"H10.0DIA"); //class & section name unique for US dataset
    static void placeSteelMember()
        placeMember(L"Steel Beam", L"Beams", 1, L"AISC_I_W", L"W10X12"); //class & section name unique for US dataset
        placeMember(L"Steel Beam", L"Beams", 2, L"HEXAGON HOLLOW", L"H18.0DIAX0.5"); //class & section name unique for US dataset
        placeMember(L"Steel Beam", L"Beams", 4, L"DOUBLE_ANGLES (AISC_I_C)", L"2L2-1_2X2-1_2X5_16X3_8"); //class & section name unique for US dataset
        placeMember(L"Steel Beam", L"Beams", 5, L"IMPERIAL", L"W10X15"); //class & section name unique for US dataset

  • Thanks again. 

    But I'm a little bit surprised that you use C++17 Features. Is this possible with the MS-SDK? If I switch to c++17 I got a lot of Errors.

    What is your magic?

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