Hatch direction with referenced models

Hello all,

I'm having an issue in a project where the hatch pattern isn't always in a predictable direction. I tried replicating in a test file and I think I found where it is going wrong.

I always use a number of nested design models. Usually one for each building storey and then separated between structural and architectural disciplines. Multiple models from the same discipline are in a single file, with the first/default model of that file a "Container" containing reference to all the other models.

Then I create my drawings in a separate file, reference the "Container" model and start creating Saved Views and drawings. 

In the attached example I didn't even go that far but the problem already appears. I created a simple design model with a couple of walls. I used all different placement methods (left, center, right) and also direction (left-to-right or top-to-bottom and vice versa). Then I connected the corners, which probably wasn't really necessary.

When I now create a plan view directly in the design model, everything looks fine (right part of image). When I create my "container" model, reference in the design model, then create the plan view hatches for vertical/horizontal walls (on plan view) are in opposite direction:

 Test wall hatches.dgn

Here the look of the F/P setting for cut pattern:

I am using the "Linear hatch" and not a pattern cell.

Anyone had this issue before? Or work in a similar way without issue?

It's driving me crazy!