UK Bldg Regs Part O: Overheating Assessment

Part O has come into force on the 15th last month. Can OBD/OBES/Hevacomp be used to assess overheating?

Part L seems to be in the bag. Part O, CIBSE TM59 would be a good one to have. I can see a lot of architects wanting to have quick feedback when designing.... and a lot of engineers not wanting to update the model manually everytime.

A big cost advantage and selling point if the OBD user doesn't have to have an additional subscription just for Part O, TM59.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Krishnendu, good to know you guys are working on it. As you may know it's a 'hot topic' at moment given the record temps reached in the UK this week.

    Looking at some of the reports produced to show compliance, it would be good to have a purpose made tool and workflow for this.

    Don't fully get the differences between 52 and 59 but the window openings g value, shading etc ie envelope and context would be key feedback and input items for the model. OBD etc seem well placed as a physical and analytical modeler here.
